Helena’s Heart

Today Helena went to her first birthday party. Her friend from Grandma’s House (her daycare), Mary Grace turned four. Mary Grace only goes to Grandma’s House on Mondays now, but Helena still loves when she is there.

When Helena came back from the party, I asked her what she did there. Eventually I asked her is she had cake and ice cream. She said that she had some cake. I then asked her what it said on the cake, and she said, “It said ‘I love you Mary Grace and you are my best friend. My favorite days are when you are at Grandma’s House'”. I’m sure that isn’t quite what the cake said, but it sure was nice to hear.

Tonight while getting ready to go to bed, I was telling her the story of the Little Mermaid. When I said “Why couldn’t the mermaid tell the prince that she loved him?” Helena said, “Because the witch stole her voice. But dad, she still has her heart.”

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