New York Trip Day 3

Just 20 minutes away from Libby’s house the inside car lights and other electronic doo dads suddenly went out so I knew that my alternator just bit the dust. Unfortunately, it was 2:00 am and we were on the Northern State Parkway at the time.



Jeanette and I ended up having to push the car up into a Holiday Inn parking lot while Helena steered the car into a parking space. Luckily she has practiced her driving at Valleyfair this year so she did pretty well.

2014-07-29-02h20m54Anyway, Libby was called and came to get us in her van and we arrived at her place around 3:00 am.

Later that day my father and Dori also came to Libby’s. I have no idea why, but I have no photos of us that day. We ate, played badminton and basketball, got a bit of sleep and played with Sofia and Jake.