“The Lodge” Water Park

The kids and I spent a weekend up in Brainerd at a water park. On the way up I told them that we were going to a farm. (After two nights at the park, they wondered if we were still going to a farm). I didn’t get many photos, but the kids had a wonderful time. That is, until the last night when Helena got swimmer’s ear and we had to leave quite early on the last morning. She spent a miserable night trying to get to sleep. As soon as the car ride began to go home she felt better, so the ride was much more bearable than the night and morning for the both of us.

I have to write that despite her obvious pain, she did really stick it out without completely breaking down. And the other two were quite concerned about her.

We did spend a good ten hours in the pool over the two days. Plus, we played some games in the game room, launched parachutes off the balcony near the entrance for an hour, and the kids were happy watching cable (Liam and I watched Buffalo beat Philadelphia in overtime in a playoff game)

Video of Helena and Liam coming down the waterslide.